7 Tips to Get Pregnant Fast and Naturally | Increase your Conceive Chances

7 Tips to Get Pregnant Fast and Naturally | Increase your Conceive Chances 

I'm going to share with you my seven top tips and products that are used to help you get pregnant as fast as you can.

Now obviously this is a natural process and it's gonna happen when it happens but these are things that you can do that can really prepare your body to help you speed up that process.

And make your body the best it can be you grab onto that egg and a fertilized egg and just help you get pregnant as fast as possible.

1st Tip to Get Pregnant Fast Naturally : So number one and it's an important one and that is to tell your doctor that you have decided to start trying to get pregnant.

What that did for me she gave me loads of helpful information you know she can give you all the information that you need.

She is a doctor at the end of the day a medical professional, So she can tell you everything you need to know and answer any questions that you have about trying to get pregnant.

So if what happened for me as I told her that I was deciding to go off birth control and scientists are trying to conceive so then obviously she could keep in touch with me.

And I could email her any questions that I had and she would be there ready to answer anything that I needed help.

 2nd Tip to Get Pregnant Fast Naturally : Second of all is for you and your spouse to start cutting out the bad habits in your life so a big one will the big two.

 3rd Tip to Get Pregnant Fast Naturally : The big three I suppose are smoking drinking and drugs you want your body to be in the best shape possible even when you're trying to conceive.

Because you don't know when it's going to happen, So you want your body to be in the best shape possible for when you do conceive.

So I stopped smoking and drinking, When we first decided to get pregnant and obviously I stopped while we were trying and obviously now that I'm pregnant I'm not doing it anymore anyway.

But it's also important for your spouse to cut down on those habits as well you know he you need his part of the process to be as healthy as possible as well.

And those bad habits can limit that also as well as that um any medications that you're taking you want to make sure that they're not you know limiting your chances of getting pregnant.

Some drugs and some medications they can you know slow things down a little bit, so just keep in contact with your doctor, let them know also on your spouses side or on your partner.

I should say you're not always mad when you when you get pregnant sorry but uh on your partner's side you know that you want them to be in the best possible shape.

That they can as well and some medications can limit that so yeah that was basically step two and number three is to start taking prenatals pretty much straight away.

So I started taking these the moment we decided to start trying and this has your body and your uterus and everything to just be in the best shape possible to just conceive.

So when it does happen that your body has built up these you know your DHA and your folic acid in your system so that when that egg does come that fertilized egg you are super super ready to just grab on to it.

And develop that baby obviously you don't have to take these until you get pregnant but most doctors do recommend that you just start before you even get pregnant.

While you're still trying to conceive and that's what I did and I did get pregnant super quick Oh see I don't know why maybe it would have happened without these that I'm just telling you what worked for me.

And I was taking these so that could have been one of the reasons that it did help me get pregnant super fast.

4th Tip to Get Pregnant Fast Naturally :  Step number four and this is a very important one and that is to know your cycle, So for me what I did is I started a fertility tracker and how I laid it out and how I did it and that was super important to know exactly.

When I was ovulating how long my cycle is and all that stuff using ovulation tests and it also comes with pregnancy tests but they look like this and they're basically just strip ovulation tests.

That you pee on and it will tell you when your peak ovulation timers, So to know that it's very important to know exactly what your body is doing is and when is definitely gonna help you conceive obviously.

5th Tip to Get Pregnant Fast Naturally : Number five timing is everything, So now that you know exactly when that you're ovulating obviously have sex around that time and do it multiple times.

As well you know it's super funny talking about it but do it multiple times you're gonna increase your chances of fertilizing that egg you know rather than just doing it once to do it multiple times during that fertile period.

And you're gonna have a higher chance of getting pregnant that's just you know how it works.

6th Tip to Get Pregnant Fast Naturally :  So number six and this was an important one for me and it is don't be stressed don't make getting pregnant into a chore obviously.

When you're trying for a long period of time it does get more and more stressful as you go because you start to question can I get pregnant.

You know is this even gonna happen for me the doctors always say you know give it a year of trying before you then go and seek medical professional help and that's when you start doing your tests to make sure that you can't get pregnant.

So they always say wait a year well that's at least what they told me and I did get pregnant within that year luckily.

It did happen for me even at the beginning during those first like two months I would get stressed out you know it's very you know not knowing if I could even get pregnant.

If that is a very scary thought but try not to think about it especially right at the beginning because stress can affect your body and insane amounts.

7th Tip to Get Pregnant Fast Naturally :  Number seven and this wasn't really a tip but these are the products that I used so that was the prenatal gummies which an important one these are just the Walgreens version of the bite infusion prenatal one.

So secondly it was the pack of ovulation test and pregnancy test super cheap bombs really great value and are also very good especially first response because they detect the earliest social super-excited like.

I was and could not wait these detect six days before your miss period, So really helpful to just have laying around because the feeling when you get like a positive on these cheap strips.

And you're like oh my god I need to take like a more expensive test and then having to go out having one at home was is super helpful have just have something around.

If you see a sale on pregnancy tests get a bunch because you're gonna use them.

If you want any Product then i strongly recommended : Pregnancy Miracle 


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